Homepage Redesign 2018
A comprehensive redesign of the homepage along with changing how we choose and promote stories. (Case study available upon request)
Fast Company with more details
- Design: Elena Gianni, Kristen Dudish, Thea Lorentzen, Kevin Zweerink
- Engineering: Dan Sherman, Lorenzo Pierfelice, Corina Aoi
- Product: Paul Werdel, Melissa Loder, Matt Douglas
- Newsroom: Kellen Henry, Dan Sanchez

Icons 2016
Various section iconography.

Times Open Art Direction 2016-2018
Art direction for public-facing blog about product, tech, and design work by teams at the Times.
- Illustrations: Kevin Zweerink, Erik Söderberg

Push and Messaging 2016
Shifted strategy and writing style for push notifications.
Experimented with new experiences on SMS and Facebook Messenger for the Rio Olympics and 2016 Presidential elections.
Nieman Lab about the Rio SMS experiment
Nieman Lab about the elections FB Messenger experiment
- Design: Norel Hassan
- Engineering: Isaac White
- Product: Andrew Phelps, Haley Persinger
- Newsroom: Eric Bishop, Sam Manchester